
Bonfire and fireworks night in Buckingham

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People in Buckingham may enjoy amazing light displays as the 5 November draws nearer, according to the Town Council.

Each year, the Council hosts one of the most well-attended bonfire and fireworks displays. At Bourton Park, thousands of people congregate in the paddock for a free event that includes hot food, live music, a spectacular fireworks show, and the biggest bonfire in miles. With numerous local organisations contributing to the success of the event, Bonfire & Fireworks offers the welcoming neighbourhood atmosphere everyone needs around approximately early November.

Free glow sticks are distributed to visitors upon arrival by the neighbourhood community group Buckingham Table, and donations are taken for the group’s humanitarian initiatives. There are several hot food and beverage options close to the play areas. Every year, people make an effort to offer a wide selection of food and beverages that both children and adults may enjoy.

In addition to giving a fun night out with a terrific environment that is available to the entire town, having a free public display in Buckingham minimises the amount of individual fireworks displays across the town, cutting down on noise pollution and any negative consequences on the area.

The bonfire and fireworks for 2022 are on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 6 o’clock.

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