
Buckingham students express interest in volunteering

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A group of Buckingham students enjoyed a relaxing walk around the National Trust-owned Stowe gardens to learn about volunteering possibilities there, according to The Bucks Herald.

The visit was arranged by the Friends of the University of Buckingham, a voluntary group that aims to enhance the experience of students studying at the uniFriends volunteers Maura Corcoran and Anne Champion led the visit for five students, who heard about ways they could volunteer for the National Trust.

Students were particularly keen on the ideas of gardening and working in the bookshop.


Christopher Drake, senior volunteering and community officer at Stowe, said: “It’s great to build the links between the National Trust and the university, as we are such close neighbours.”

Postgraduate student Divya Jacob said: “I am grateful to have some opportunities opened up for volunteering. I loved the architecture. It was a very relaxing break, being in the scenic gardens.”

The Friends are currently running a recruitment campaign. Members can get involved in a huge range of activities, from meeting students for coffee and going on trips like the one to Stowe, to the annual riverside Pimm’s and Strawberries party on campus, joining students and other members for lunch in the refectory once a month, or helping students one to one with conversational English.

IMAGE SOURCE: The Bucks Herald


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