
Community award won in Best Kept Village

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Buckinghamshire Best Kept Village Competition has awarded Buckingham the Community Award in their 2024 judging.

The competition includes villages and towns from across Buckinghamshire and was last awarded to Buckingham in 2011. The town also won in 2002, 2005 and 2008.

To receive the award, judges evaluated the competitors on several aspects of community and environmental care. Buckingham Town Council’s work in community engagement and cohesion was recognised. The Community Award recognises efforts in fostering a strong, vibrant, and supportive community.

From June 1 until mid July, each town or village is judged on floral displays and smaller details such as litter and overall attractiveness. In this area, Buckingham also placed second in the Michaelis Cup. This is awarded to towns with a population of more than 3,000.

The trophies will presented to the Winners on September 21.

Feedback will guide Buckingham’s continued pursuit of excellence in both community and environmental initiatives.

Cllr. Robin Stuchbury said: ‘Thank you to the Town Council’s Greenspaces team and office staff for making it possible for us to do so well this year. I also extend my thanks to the Events Committee … whose efforts have produced this excellent result in the Buckinghamshire competition.’

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