Donald Trump unfollowed his ‘good pal’ Piers Morgan on Twitter hours after the Good Morning Britain host called him out for ‘senseless’ coronavirus comments, according to the Metro.
The US president seems to not be happy with Piers after he responded to the US presidents claim, that injecting disinfectants may cure the virus – Piers thought that this was a ‘shameful new low’ for Donald Trump.
Sharing the news about Donald Trump unfollowing him, he tweeted: ‘UPDATE: President @realDonaldTrump has unfollowed me on Twitter, hours after I wrote this @DailyMail column.’
The column written by Piers Morgan was titled: ‘President Trump’s bats**t crazy coronavirus “cure” theories are not just shockingly senseless and stupid – they’re going to kill people.’

President Trump shocked the whole world when he made shocking comments during a press briefing. After discussing the research the US government has been doing in finding out how the virus reacts to different temperatures, climates and surfaces, he said: ‘…I see the disinfectant, where it knocks out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that? By injection inside, or almost a cleaning.’
President Trump added ‘because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that. ‘So, that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.’
After the press briefing, Piers tweeted: ‘President Trump’s defence for floating bats**t crazy claims that injecting bleach can kill #coronavirus is that he was being “sarcastic”.
He added, ‘FFS @realDonaldTrump – this is not a joke. 50,000 Americans are dead & many more will die. Stop this nonsense & get serious.’
Even though Piers is in disagreement with Donald Trumps comments he is still following his pal despite the unfollow from the US president.

The USA have had over 52,000 deaths that are coronavirus-related with almost a million confirmed cases.