Coronavirus Lockdown Stories

Lockdown roadmap: when can I see my friends?

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Rules around social contact to gradually ease as lockdown lifts slowly

The government’s cautious roadmap out of the coronavirus lockdown has reached its first stage this week, as students returned to the classroom and care homes allow regular indoor visitors for residents. According to the BBC.

But there are still tight restrictions around social contact, which are not expected to ease until 29 March at the earliest.

The rules around meeting one other person from another household have relaxed slightly since 8 March. Currently, people can meet one person from outside their household in a public outdoor space for a coffee or picnic – this compares to previous rules which only allowed meeting for exercise.

But limited changes to the restrictions from 29 March will allow people to meet in groups of six from multiple households or an unlimited number from just two households.

Image Source: The Independent

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