A kind-hearted Buckingham schoolgirl has had 16 inches snipped from her waist-length hair, to raise money for the hospice that cared for her grandmother, according to Bucks Herald.
Ten-year-old Evie Rogers has raised over £1,300 for the Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity, by doing a sponsored haircut.
Evie is also donating her shorn locks to another charity, The Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for children who lose their hair due to cancer treatment.
Evie’s Nanny, Sheila Rogers, who worked for many years in the office at The Buckingham School, was cared for at the hospice during her final days in 2018.
Evie, who attends Bourton Meadow Academy and is a keen member of MK Springers gymnastics club, had been growing her hair specially for over three years.

Proud parents Sarah and Scott looked on as hairdresser Alicia wielded the shears at Unit 15 hairdressers on Stowe Castle Business Park yesterday, Tuesday.
“Am I remarkably proud of her?” asked Scott. “I am, because that moment yesterday, where they’d put all the clips in and got it all ready to cut, that’s the moment when I thought, this is now where she could wobble.
“And actually, when the hairdresser cut the first bit off, she started giggling and laughing and she was then kind of waving her hair round, and it was like she’d been liberated.
“Because it was a different feeling, you obviously lose the weight of the hair, so she enjoyed the moment.”

And Scott added: “She’s doing something to honour little children with the hair donation.
“She’s recognising the tremendous work that Florence Nightingale Hospice continue to do – and did for us.
“My mother was in for eight days. My father never left – they accommodated my father for the whole eight days. He had a bed to sleep in overnight, he was watered and fed throughout.
“Me and my two brothers were tag-teaming each other to support my dad and my mum throughout, we were never at any point made to feel unwelcome or awkward or anything.
“Over Christmas, they allowed us to bring the children in, to have a Christmas Day with Mum, and do some presents and things.
“They’re incredible people doing a job that only certain people, I think, can do, and they do it wonderfully well.”
Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity needs to raise over £1 million every year to pay for in-patient and at-home palliative care services.
Evie’s amazing £1,355 fundraising total will pay for a nursing team to care for a patient at the hospice for 48 hours.
You can find out more and donate to Evie’s fundraiser here
Image Source: Bucks Herald