National & International

Latest Data Reveals Buckinghamshire Road Conditions Amidst Pothole Concerns

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Fresh data unveils the current state of Buckinghamshire’s roads in the aftermath of resident dissatisfaction with pothole repairs.

The condition of the county’s road network has come to light, distinguishing between those in good condition and those requiring repairs.

As of March, approximately 68% of A-roads and motorways and 66% of B and C-roads in the county were deemed ‘good,’ as indicated by recent Department for Transport statistics. In contrast, 27% of A-roads and motorways and 28% of B and C-roads are flagged as ‘potentially requiring repairs soon.’ Moreover, a notable 5% of A-roads and motorways received a ‘poor’ rating, while 6% of B and C-roads fell into the ‘poor’ category.

Buckinghamshire finds itself positioned in the lower half among local authorities for ‘good’ roads, trailing behind neighbouring Milton Keynes but surpassing Oxfordshire.

These revelations follow resident demands for intensified efforts in addressing pothole concerns, with some openly criticizing the efficacy of recent repair initiatives.

To address these issues, the council has taken proactive measures to allocate £5 million from reserves specifically to combat the pothole crisis, a decision announced in March.

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